How to create a resume on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a popular social media site for the people who are looking for a good job or want to hire someone for her or his company. This social media is a great option for experts, designers, programmers, CEOs, managers and any one that wants to create a useful network.
LinkedIn allows you to easily convert your profile to a downloadable PDF to use as a resume. Have you turned your LinkedIn profile into one of your most attractive and professional profiles? So maybe it’s time to stop creating different resumes constantly.
LinkedIn has an internal feature that allows you to create a resume from your profile. This article explains how to create a resume through your LinkedIn profile and download it.
What you will read in this article:
Use LinkedIn profiles as resumes
Downloading the LinkedIn profile is very easy and only takes a few steps. However, LinkedIn does not yet offer this feature in its mobile app. Therefore, you should do this process by logging in to your LinkedIn account through a web browser on your computer.
After logging in to your LinkedIn account, click the Me drop-down menu at the top of the page. Then select View Profile to visit your profile.
In your LinkedIn profile, click the More option on the right side of your profile photo. Then select Build a resume.
From the drop-down list, click on “Create from profile”.
Here you can fill in the Job title section to find the keywords in your resume and click Apply.
Otherwise, click Skip to download your resume without finding any keywords.
LinkedIn will then create a resume for you. You can choose to preview it to see what it looks like as a standalone document.
To download the resume, click the More option in the upper right corner of the page. Next, select “Download as PDF” to save your LinkedIn resume to your computer.
How to edit your LinkedIn resume
You may also want to apply for a job that does not require specific information or skills in your profile. Fortunately, LinkedIn allows you to delete, edit, or update resume parts before downloading your resume.
If you want to create different versions for different job applications, you can rename the file at the top of the page.
Simply select the edit icon and enter the name of your resume in the Resume name field. Then click Save.
To update or delete any part of your resume, click on the edit icon next to that part.
From the Edit menu that appears, click Delete in the lower-left corner to delete the selected part completely.
Otherwise, edit the fields you want to change and click Save.
Note that any changes to your resume will not affect your profile at all. This feature allows you to edit your resume at any time without being worried about your profile details.
How to remove resumes from LinkedIn
You may also want to remove a resume from your profile because LinkedIn saves the all resumes you have created – so you see a long list.
To delete previously generated resumes, return to your LinkedIn profile. Then click “More”.
Then, choose “create a resume” After seeing the resume you want to remove from the list, click on the three dots icon on the right. Then click Delete to delete.
How to save your LinkedIn profile as a PDF
You can also save your LinkedIn profile directly to PDF without using a resume maker. To do this, use the following steps:
Go to your LinkedIn profile and click “More”.
Select Save to PDF from the options to download your profile to your computer without editing.
It is important to note that downloading a profile is different from creating a resume. You cannot modify or delete any part of it just by saving your profile in PDF.
To do these actions, you must use the resume maker option.
Update your profile as a real-time resume
Your LinkedIn profile can act as a real-time resume to be ready for changes that occur in your career. This keeps potential customers and employers up to date about your career status and your skills.
To use your LinkedIn profile as a resume, be sure to update it regularly.
Tricks about creating resume on LinkedIn
- Select a new background image
This is one of the most common mistakes newcomers to LinkedIn make: not personalizing the background cover image. Although LinkedIn by default puts a simple image as a cover (the same rectangular image below the profile image) in your profile, using a professional image related to your activities will create a unique profile that interests the audience. Watch other sections.
When choosing a cover image try to avoid images that show a person, a crowded space, or a trip you made last year. Instead, think about the images that are related to your career, industry, or brand. If you are a graphic designer, for example, use one of the images that you have designed by yourself. If you are a writer, an image of a computer and keyboard will be good. Even a picture of the landscape of the city in which you live would be a good choice. Lastly, make sure that the image you are going to upload for LinkedIn cover is high-quality, impactful, and suitable for your audiences.
- Upload a new profile picture
No one in social media such as LinkedIn wants to see an old profile picture from you or an unattractive picture belonging to you! Entrepreneurs tend to hire the staff with a good-looking face and style!
Try to upload an updated and high-quality profile picture on LinkedIn, because this image is shown in your resume, too.
- Rewrite the title of your account
Your professional headline is one of the first things that others see when they enter your LinkedIn page. This part actually contains concise information and can be the main reason for others to click or not click on your name. As a result, you need to make sure that your career headline is up-to-date, accurate, and relevant, and well reflects the reasons for your presence on the LinkedIn platform.
If you are currently a freelance video editor, for example, and you are looking for new customers, say a welcome title to show them. If it is not possible to work with new customers at the moment, but you want to communicate with other activists in your field, you can also say the same thing in your headline. Basically, your headline should show your identity to others, explain how you are able to help others, and what projects you are working on.
- Explain why you are on LinkedIn
Users are active on LinkedIn for a variety of reasons, and you can tell others the main reason for your presence on this social media. LinkedIn now allows you to tell others whether you are providing a service, looking for a job, or whether you are recruiting yourself at all. This is a feature that LinkedIn has chosen the name of Showcase Services Module for.
Although this section may not seem so important or innovative, it can show a great view of why you are on LinkedIn and tell others what you hope to achieve with your recent activities. Well, you will make more effective communication that is beneficial for you and your audience. For example, you may be looking to hire someone and nevertheless someone looking for a job opportunity will find you, too. That means, both of you will have a better chance of getting what you want.
- Add your featured content
Adding featured content to your profile is a vital step, because it allows you to stand out from the crowd. Featured content is an opportunity to showcase your past work as well as your skills and innovations. The visual impact of this section is undeniable when others scroll through your profile.
Whether you are a writer, a photographer, or even a lawyer, the featured content section allows you to add visual content that is relevant to your work and can be a suitable space for some of your work, previous projects, or even an interview you may have had with a local newspaper. Basically, using this space on your profile page is a very important step in the process of creating a resume on LinkedIn and showing others what you can do. On the other hand, with the content embedded in this section, you can show potential contacts what your identity is and in what areas you are active.
- Change your keywords
First of all, let’s check out which keywords have been used more in your LinkedIn account; with Ctrl + F shortcuts you can find out the number of keywords in different pages.
If you do not currently have a specific keyword on your LinkedIn page, take some time to resolve this major problem. Pages with specific keywords rank higher on your LinkedIn search results page, giving you a better chance of interacting with others. So be sure to look for a variety of keywords about your identity, the industry in which you operate, as well as your interests. Keywords can be placed in various parts of the profile like the headline and “About Me” section. Spreading these words across the page will significantly increase your chances of appearing in search results and then you will be able to communicate more effectively.
- verify your skills
Just as the Skills section of your traditional resume shows employers what your abilities are, the same section on your profile page can show the audiences the strengths of your job and explain why you are an elite in your field. By simply ignoring the skills section when creating a resume on LinkedIn, you will simply have a lower chance of getting ranked in search results. On the other hand, potential audiences don’t know why they need to communicate with you.
Once you’ve completed your skills part, you can take another look at the list of keywords you created in the previous step, or go to the common and default keywords on LinkedIn. It does not matter what approach you take; it is important that you determine your talents and abilities clearly and do not underestimate it.
- Find new people to connect with
To connect with new people and potential customers on LinkedIn, The best approach you can take on LinkedIn is to sync your email address to your target social network, and on the other hand, occasionally search for new customers, colleagues, or the person you met before. It does not matter if you have met these people in the real world or online. On the other hand, LinkedIn’s intelligent algorithm will also suggest people’s profiles that are good to check their profile out.
Constantly updating your audience is one of the best ways to network and expose you to new opportunities. You certainly agree with us when we say that it is better to give up and wait to suddenly connect with a stranger.
Social media is a powerful tool, but it depends on how you use it. Just as you are constantly updating your skills, experiences, careers, and so on, you need to pay close attention to your audience. Relationships and communication are so powerful, networking in our world is a powerful knowledge and always works.
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Why is LinkedIn important?
Having a LinkedIn account for many organizations and companies means that you are professional in your own career and they can trust you more!
However, according to LinkedIn this social media is the world’s largest professional network with 810 million members in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.
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